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How to adjust a workpiece for flag applicator, type 4712?

  • Align the workpiece centred to the applicator and vertical to the dispense plate. If necessary, use supporting tools for the alignment. Alignment with an angle causes the flap’s overlapping. Large diameters of the workpiece will enlarge the length of adhesive line at the workpiece. The larger the adhesive line the bigger the influence on the flag’s quality.  Incorrect positioning of the workpiece does not only influence the flag’s quality, but also exerts significant loads on the mechanical components which might lead to increased wear.
  • Ideally, the cylindrical workpiece shows sufficient dimensional stability and is not deformed.
  • Tolerances in form and position of the workpiece guarantee that position and alignment between clamping / supporting points of the jig and the labeling position remains the same.  
  • To align flexible parts, as for example cables or tubes, these need to be mechanically stretched or have their positioning mechanically supported.
  • Especially in the event of manual workstations it is obligatory to fix the workpiece until the labeling cycle is fully completed. Any change in position has great influence on the quality of the flag and may damage the applicator.
  • The applicator needs to be protected against collision when inserting the workpiece.

Valid for: Hermes+ Applicators

Last change: 01.02.2017 - 08:40

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